Ever since I've been on the High Flight Board (and probably many years before that), it's been a tradition to make up parodies of Christmas songs using the
TaleSpin characters. So, I thought that I would bring that tradition over here.
Here are Trader Moe and Da Goons with their own rendition of "We're A Couple of Misfits", which is from the claymation show
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.
(Trader Moe)
I'm surrounded by nitwits
With da brains of da peach pits
Hey, where's my banana split
With a dash of cayenne
Boss says dat we're nitwits
Yeah, I'm good at da nitwits
We goons are tough and fit
We goes to da gym
What did boss say to get
I don't know, um, I forget
Uh-oh, he will be upset
Here comes da big din
I knows how to fix it
So's we's won't get a hit
We'll grab all we's can get
We'll makes da boss grin
(Trader Moe)
Argh! I don't want ball mitts
Or a small bear cub named Kit
Dats it, I give up, I quit
I needs two new men